Mar 20, 2008

Please Sign This Petition!! Restore The Madoc Plaque!

Reproduced from the website of the Alabama Welsh Association:-

"URGENT! The Prince Madoc (Madog) plaque located near Ft. Morgan on Mobile Bay has been removed and put into storage by the Alabama Parks Department. The plaque was put in place in 1953 by the Daughters of the American Revolution. According to the site manager of Fort Morgan, it is currently in storage because the site only "focuses on the United States military presence". Please help get the plaque restored for public viewing on Mobile Bay by signing our petition by clicking HERE. You can also email your desire to have the plaque restored to:
Barnet Lawley, Director of the Dept. of Conservation
Blanton Blankenship, Site Mgr of Fort Morgan
Your help in removing this plaque from the storage shed, thus putting another piece of history back on display is greatly appreciated!"

See our earlier post on this topic HERE

1 comment:

  1. Even if it's all a load of crap, it's a colorful legend and part of history and maybe it will one day turn out to be true but it is a very charming myth and I want it back up.
