Nov 28, 2008

The Left Coast Eisteddfod ( Portland, Oregon 2009 ) Starts Here - Short Story Competition - Win $100!

Regular readers of this site will no doubt have heard about our ambitious plans for a "Left Coast Eisteddfod" in Portland Oregon next year ( 2009 ). Today we would like to announce that we are not waiting until next year to get the ball rolling. We are launching the first of the Eisteddfod competitions online! Others will follow.

The short story competition which starts today is basically a "write in response " exercise. Below you will see a series of photographs. Most of these shots were taken in Wales but they are not particularly iconic and your response need not make reference to Wales in any way, shape or form. You may submit your entry in either Welsh or English. The two language categories will be judged separately and there will be a prize for each. Basically you will need to write a short story between 1000 and 3000 in length words on any ONE of these photographs and submit it in accordance with the rules for site members or non-site members outlined below. Accompanying graphics are not permitted. There is a US100 dollars (approximately 50GBP ) prize for the winners in both categories. The final submission date is July 31st 2009 and the winners will be announced at the Eisteddfod ( August 2009 ). The judges have yet to be selected and a further announcement will be made soon. The judges decisions will, of course, be final. The winners will also be entitled to free admission to some Eisteddfod events. Runners-up prizes will be announced later.

The winner and his/her work will also be featured on this site on what we hope will be a heavily trafficked page.

How To Submit Your Story


1. Simply join the Eisteddfod Short Story Group and post your story (
and any links) as a separate discussion in the group forum ( see "Lorem Ipsum" example on the page). If you wish to include a link to your website or blog please do so but remember you must link back to us.

2. Post your story on your website or blog and post a link to the relevant url as a separate discussion in the group forum ( see "Lorem Ipsum" on the page). Once again you will need to link back to us.

Non Members

1. Post your submission on your blog and email us with the url ( ). We will include it on the Group page. We would appreciate a link to this page or to the blog home page.

2. Email your submission to us and we will post it on the Group page and credit you as author. ( in this case mutual linking is an option but not required )

By Huw Davies of Hendy Productions

By Tam Ryan of Wales DVD

By Ian Price of

By Ian Price of

By Brian Y Tarw Llwyd of Americymru.


  1. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Very interesting competition you have running here.
