Dec 5, 2008

Competition On Hywela Lyn's Website - Americymru Members and Readers Invited to Participate!

Americymru has received the following email from member Hywela Lyn who is celebrating the launch of her new novel "Starquest" today.

"Yes - it's officially in print today! It's even more beautiful in 'real life' and the starry background carries on to the back cover.

To celebrate I'm holding a contest to win:

1. An autographed copy of 'Starquest'

2. A special 'Starquest' Teeshirt with the cover printed on the front. Large or Medium - winner's choice

3. A handy Desk calendar for 2009

4. A pair of tiny 'blue rose' earrings'. (To see find out the significance of the blue rose you need to read the story)

To enter - just go to my WEBSITE and read the first chapter of Starquest to find the answer to this question -

What is the name of the DESTINY'S computer? When you've found it, Email me at Contest@hywelalyn before 27th December, making sure I have your email address. I'll get the prizewinner's pack out to them early in the New Year. Good Luck!

Don't forget, books make wonderful presents and if you'd like an autographed copy for a Christmas gift, just email me at or go to my website where there's a purchase link.

I hope you're all doing well and not getting too stressed in the run-up to Christmas. Remember it's not the value of the gift but the thought behind it that really counts. Please find a moment to enter my contest."

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