Dec 31, 2008

The Latest From Cymuned - Supporters Email

( This is not an official press release but rather the personal observations of a Cymuned supporter )

Here we are at the end of the year - and what an interesting year it's been!

From the point of view of the Welsh Speaking heartlands (the Fro), a number of encouraging policies have been adopted by the Government - the Welsh language is to be taken into account in the planning of regeneration projects in the Fro, for instance. Cymdeithas Cledwyn - the Welsh speaking 'wing' of the Labour Party - emphasised the importance of 'Bro Gymraeg' issues in future manifestos. The government have adopted elements of Cymuned policy, especially in Housing, and we have developed a useful relationship between us and the Assembly.

After May's elections, a number of our supporters are now councillors. From Anglesey to Monmouthshire, and Pembrokeshire to Wrexham, we have a voice in the policy and administration of the country's councils. And with some work on our internal structure we have released more money for campaigning.

We are in a strong position going into 2009, so what are our plans?

Firstly, the launch of the CyngorNi campaign. This is the campaign that will define our work in the Fro during 2009. If you want to do one thing in the new year to help the Fro, get in touch with is to ask what you can do for the campaign!

Secondly, the re-launch of 'Ein Gwlad - Ours Alone' - a quarterly magazine which will be free to our monthly members. We hope to produce a quality publication which will lead the debate on a wide range of subjects relevant to Wales and the Fro.

Thirdly, and partly on the back of the first two, we will be working to increase our active membership. At the moment we have a little under 2000 members. This is not enough! The unstinting work by an enthusiastic group of members has ensured our influence on politicians and national bodies, and raised our profile in the press. But many of you have taken it into your own hands to write to the press, to politicians, place stickers and talking about our policies to others, and this is proving to be the main strength of Cymuned. If each member spent one hour during 2009, writing emails or letters, or raising a petition, or supporting action / policy, this would correspond to about 4 hours a week of work for the whole year for every member of the Exec committee. Imagine if everyone was willing to write a letter a month to politicians. How many policies would be changed in answer to 2000 letters? This power is in your hands.

So - here is the New Year project. Tell 5 people about this email. If one of them subscribes, you have done your bit to double our supporter base! If more than one subscribes, then every extra one is a huge bonus...

One last thing - with the present economic situation, community action will be more important than ever as we try to protect our language and our communities. If you have ideas about things that you could be doing on a community level, get in touch so that we can publicise your ideas, raise awareness and give you as much help as possible.

Brilliant. We shall step into 2009, and wish you, and us, sweeping successes in everything that is important to us. Happy new year!

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Dewi Sant told us to "Do the little things."

To see what he had in mind, have a quick look at:

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Are you a dreamer or a doer?

Cymuned can't survive without YOUR help.

Have a look at:

to hear how to make things change.

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