Jan 4, 2009

"Dunkin Like David"

Americymru member Phil Wyman plans to put Wales on the map this year by standing waist deep in the river and praying on March 1st. Such was the practice of St David,, patron Saint of Wales, and March 1st is his Saints Day.

Pastor Phil posted the following appeal in a Forum ( St Davids Day Ideas Forum ) on Americymru a few months ago:-.

"On Saint David's Day, Sunday March 1st, 2009 I am planning on praying like David might have prayed - like the old ascetic Celtic saints - standing waist deep in cold waters. Of course, I am looking for people to join me, and I am hoping to get some media attention. Living in Salem, MA - just north of Boston this should not be difficult in March.

I have a group forming now, and am hoping to get about 10 people to join me. There are other people in other places considering joining the crazy idea. Anyone here want to join the chilly fun?"

Since then plans have matured considerably and there is now an official "Dunkin for David" blog ( which can be foundf HERE ) and a growing list of sponsors and supporters.

We are appealing to all Americymru members to consider joining in or helping to publicise the St David's Day Dunk.

Contact Pastor Phil and /or leave messages of suport via his Americymru page HERE.or by commenting below.

The official "Dunkin for David" ( in PDF format ) flier is attached below. Please feel free to print and distribute:-


1 comment:

  1. In many parts of Asia prayer involves undergoing physical or mental strain to raise ones level of awareness and consciousness. That is why many nail themselves to the cross, or walk on burning coal, or pierce their bodies.

    I am not sure how westerners view this? I think many Asians can identify with this ritual - dunking for David.
