May 5, 2009

‘Diaries From Hell’ – Bronson diaries from ‘Monster Mansion’ published

In the year in which a film about his life was produced, Aberystwyth born Charles Bronson is now publishing a new book called Diaries From Hell - his diaries from ‘Monster Mansion’ in Wakefield Prison. As one of the most notorious prisoners in the UK these new diaries show what life is really like and how difficult things are for him to fight for justice in such grim conditions.

Living in a cage in ‘Monster Mansion’, Wakefield Prison is as hard as it gets. Living with people like Robert Mawdsley (described as our own hannibal the canibal) leaves you in no doubt that these really are “diaries from hell”. ‘Monster Mansion’ is the ideal place to study ‘Loonyology’ – the phrase created by Bronson for the crazy world we live in. The loonyology of the prison system that he’s fought for 35 years would drive most people mad and to give up. But not Bronson, who continues his battle for justice in one of the most difficult conditions imaginable.

In these diaries, written in his own words, follow the thoughts, battles and dreams of Britain’s most famous prisoner in 2008. During this period he follows the production of the film, Bronson and meets the actor Tom Hardy who plays him in the film that was released to such great acclaim in 2009. You also get to know his friends and family who are so dear to him and share the joy of their visits and letters.

Diaries From Hell is also a book of ‘loonyology with a soul’ and shows how proud Bronson is of supporting charities in all parts of the world. It shows Bronson as a man of warmth and talent, and includes numerous great art works and poems produced in his lonely cage in ‘hell’. It has been rumoured that Charles Bronson will settle in Aberystwyth, where his mother and brother still live, when he is released from prison.

Diaries from Hell is published by Y Lolfa on 10th of May, and copies can be ordered online from

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