Aug 9, 2009

The Latest From Cymuned - Supporters Email

( This is not an official press release but rather the personal observations of a Cymuned supporter )

The Eisteddfod week is coming to an end, and we are looking forward to a period just a tiny bit quieter after the frenetic preparations of stands and magazines.

Firstly then, its great to report that Cymuned had the most successful Eisteddofd since Meifod, with donations coming in, and thousands signing the "Deffro'r Ddraig (Waking the Dragon)" petition against the plan to build houses in the North East of Wales for commuters to Chester and Liverpool. A huge thank you goes to the volunteers who worked on the stand during the week - for their hard work and their interesting company! The fine weather was a blessing, and it was especially encouraging to get signatures from some National Heavyweights, including Dafydd Iwan, Dafydd Wigley and Robin McBryde. It was great to meet more of our supporters and hear your stories and complaints - thanks to everyone who called in.

Talking of the Deffro'r Ddraig petition, Pol, one of the organisers, has this to say: "We now have our Assembly petition on line. You can sign it by following the link from As well as signing on line people will also be able to sign on paper. We aim to get at least 100 000 names to show that this issue is a political timebomb.

"Obviously to achieve this will not be easy but it is essential strategically that we achieve this objective. So can anyone who can help us to collect signatures or deliver leaflets with info about signing online please contact us as soon as possible?

"We have a real opportunity in Wales here and now to begin a process of taking our country out from under the shadow and into a bright Welsh future. Through this wretched plan and the kind of thinking behind it WE can turn a corner that has taken hundreds of years to reach. It just takes all of us to see this chance and do our little bit."

Words to stir the heart, so sign the petition now! For those of you not in the North East, who think that this issue doesn't affect them, think again! The tendrils of this particular plan go right the way into the Welsh heartlands of the North, and there are similar plans in the pipeline for the Mid Wales / Birmingham area and South Wales as well so the more people who sign the better to stop this official bit of colonisation.

And finally, we've received an email from Pete who wrote to Sainsbury's about their publicity for the new store in Lampeter, a town that was, until recently, a bastion of the Welsh language in Dyfed. No prizes for guessing the subject matter - the total lack of Welsh in their flyers. I'm particularly keen on this little gem from his email: "The flyer," he says "was rather old fashioned in that it was a monolingual English pamphlet." - accusing someone's publicity department of being 'old-fashioned' is a sure-fire way of drawing attention to the failures of their campaign.

Thank you Pete - please let us know of any reply you get.

Until next time then!


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Dewi Sant told us to "Do the little things."

To see what he had in mind, have a quick look at

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I was absolutely furious when I read this. How dare the so called 'planners' change the rules to suit themselves! For ten years my husband and I (both born and working in Wales) lived in a caravan on a piece of land we'd spent all our savings on, because we could not afford the price of property in the area due to the local cottages being bought up as holiday homes.

    During that time we fought for planning permission to build a stone built bungalow (our only chance of owning a home of our own) and after repeated refusals found that all land in Wales is classed as 'white land' so therefore it can be accepted for development in certain cases. We were told it was the same a 'green belt' and we would never be allowed to build. Eventually, after three Public Appeals we were given planning permission. After ten years of fighting for permission to house ourselves, it took a further eighteen months to get 'Detailed Planning' Unfortunately my husband died of a sudden asthma attack before we could build. I could not afford to build by myself, and although I have now remarried, I am obliged to live in England since I am still not in a position to buy a property in my beloved homeland, and rented property seems either to be reserved for students or holiday homes!

    I certainly hope this petition succeedcs. As I said - one law for the those in government, another for the ordinary Welsh people!
