Dec 5, 2010

2011 West Coast Eisteddfod & Festival, A Welsh American Arts Showcase


AmeriCymru in association with A Raven Above Press present the 2011 West Coast Eisteddfod festival, a three-day Welsh festival of arts, on September 23-25th, 2011 at the Barnsdall Art Park in Los Angeles. The festival will include open competitions in poetry, voice, comedy, performance art, and storytelling. The festival will accompany an art show, film screenings, lecture and marketplace.

In addition, A Raven Above Press will develop and produce a book of artwork by presenters in the art show focusing on Welsh mythology and legend. Each piece will be accompanied by an artist bio and explanation and historical significance of the subject in the piece. The exclusive book will be in color and perfect bound.

The West Coast Eisteddfod celebrates Welsh and Welsh American traditions in art, history, language, and oral and literary competition. We will hold an election of our first annual young adult representative and pay tribute to Welsh entrepreneurs and Welsh Americans. The expected attendance is 2,500 through the course of three days and will be open to the public.

The festival is to celebrate Welsh identity and expression. In doing so, it fosters positive self-esteem and creativity for the benefit of the greater community. The public will be encouraged to participate in these classes and competitions displayed in the Welsh tradition. Welsh Americans will benefit from learning about their culture through ongoing workshops and activities. The designated young adult representative will be evaluated on personality, talent, and community leadership. The appointed person will therein represent the West Coast Eisteddfod in the United States for one year as an upstanding role model, assisting in addressing issues important to the community and will help promote a meaningful association with Wales.

1 comment:

  1. Sumanto6:38 PM

    Nice blog,
    how many attraction in that festival?
