Apr 17, 2013

Croeso/Welcome To The Welsh American Bookstore

For some time now we have been striving to provide a useful bookstore for our members and readers. Our earlier efforts were built around an Amazon astore and subsequently an Amazon astore embedded on the AmeriCymru site in a series of linked pages. Neither of these alternatives were satisfactory so we decided to upgrade.

Croeso/welcome to Bookstore 3.0! ( Click Here )

First, the new bookstore allows us to include books from sources other than Amazon. Whenever possible, we will advertise direct links to publishers in Wales and to Welsh booksellers and do whatever we can to stimulate interest in, and purchases of, their titles. Pennies we make from affiliate fees go toward maintenance of the AmeriCymru network AND subsidizing our efforts to bring Welsh authors and artists to events like the Wordstock ( and possibly other ) literary festivals in the US.

  • Now fully searchable! You can search for any item in the store from any and every page on the site.
  • Now fully browseable! The dropdown list on the top navbar ( under Welsh American Bookstore ) gives access to every category page on the site. We will be expanding the category and book listings on a regular basis.
  • Suggestions! If you would like to see something included in our listings please use the 'Suggest Book' button on the category pages ( for an example see this page :- Welsh American Bookstore Drama. We are always open to suggestions particularly from authors and will add any relevant titles as soon as we can.
  • Reviews! Read a book by a Welsh or Welsh American author recently? Want to sing its praises? Feel free to use our review feature. You will find the 'Add Review' button at the bottom of every book listing page ( for an example see this page:- Under Milk Wood
  • News! Reviews! Interviews! Guest Articles and more. If you have a title you want to promote on the store send us a press release for the news section or send us a review copy. Better still we are always happy to feature interviews and guest articles by contributing authors. Email americymru@gmail.com or use the contact form on the site for more details.
  • Music! The bookstore will also offer music listings and we will be looking for suggestions to vastly increase our range of products in the coming months. We are also interested in promoting Welsh musicians and performers by means of interviews, reviews etc on the store.
  • More stuff! We will be looking at introducing more product lines ( gifts etc ) and dedicated online stores for niche marketers in the coming months. Please check our news page for regular announcements.

Above all we urge you to remember that this site has not been created for the purpose of personal enrichment. Any minimal profits made will be plowed back into activities designed to promote Wales and Welsh artists in the US. If you are a shopper please remember us when you decide to buy. If you are a Welsh author,artist or musician please contact us to see if we can help.

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